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Wednesday 31 January 2024.

Wednesday 31 January 2024....6.45pm to 9pm.... BARBARA KRUGER....private view... THINKING OF YOU. I MEAN ME. I MEAN YOU. Serpentine Gallery , Kensington Gardens, London. The site-specific exhibition will feature Kruger’s iconic pieces reconfigured in recent years as video works, including Untitled (I shop therefore I am) (1987/2019) and Untitled (Your body is a battleground) (1989/2019) Serpentine is honoured to present a solo exhibition of recent works by American artist Barbara Kruger (b. 1945, Newark, New Jersey, USA). The exhibition will be presented at Serpentine South from 1st February to 17th March 2024 and in the public realm with Outernet Arts. Titled Thinking of You. I Mean Me. I Mean You. the exhibition will feature a unique selection of installations, moving image works, and multiple soundscapes installed across the Serpentine building, bookshop, and outside banners, as well as on large-scale, immersive wraparound screens at Outernet Arts. It will be the artist’s first solo institutional show in London in over 20 years and a return to Serpentine. Kruger previously exhibited at Serpentine in 1994 as part of the group exhibition Wall to Wall. Around 150 cool art folks here, including BBC arts editor WILL GOMPERTZ. Complimentary Ruinart champers for all guests ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- Wednesday 31 January 2024. Happy Birthday to JOHN LYDON who is 68 today. See my Facebook page for a photo of the two of us together. ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- Tuesday 30 January 2024. EVERGLOW live at Shepherds Bush Empire. Six girl K-Pop act are promoting their fourth album 'All My Girls'. Six major European cities on this tour.... Barcelona, Paris, Amsterdam, London, Warsaw , Berlin. ---------- Two days ago i was at this venue for all boy K -Pop and today it is the same promoter's , but tonight it is the turn of the girls....more a 50/50 male / female crowd split. The tickets are an eye watering £100 in the stalls and £90 and £80 for the upstairs seats. No wonder the stalls standing is half empty , but seats look pretty full. Maybe 1000 out of the 2000 tickets have been sold. It is the same format as Sunday , where the band come on early and finish early , so they can do a meet and greet for 200 fans after. The glow sticks are out in force again tonight. EVERGLOW arrived on stage at 7.30pm and perform for 1 hour 55 mins. Every track has an incredible dance routine , as they dance to backing tracks. They perform their track ' Slay MV' which has had over 25 million views on YouTube. They also perform a couple of covers in the middle of the set. Plenty of chat between songs , the girls cannot speak full English so they have an interpreter side of stage. The girls give out mini hand waves, heart signs and thumbs up etc to the fans. From my point of view , it is great to watch six fit girls dancing. Surprisingly they stick to the same black stage outfits for the entire show. K-Pop really seems to have a cult like hypnotic attraction to their fans. Visually really good to watch , even though the music was basic dance pop.