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Monday 05 February 2024.
Monday 05 February 2024.
Looks like AC/DC are to announce their first world tour for 8 years.
Tottenham Hotspur Football Ground has been booked concerts for July 8, 9, 10.
The act has not been confirmed yet...is that AC/DC ?
Sunday 04 February 2024.
Happy Birthday to ALICE COOPER who is 76 today.
I have seen Alice Cooper around a dozen times since 1975 , when I saw both his shows at Wembley Arena.
Alice always puts on a top notch live show.
Saturday 03 February 2024.
JAZZU live at Shepherds Bush Empire.
I have seen acts from Poland, Russia, Italy, Columbia and others playing to their own communities in London, and this time it is the turn of Lithuania.
Around 1200 mainly Lithuanian folks here , which is pretty good going.
Around 75 % of the crowd are female....so many great looking women at this gig.
JAZZU is a big name in Lithuania , and is an X Factor judge over there.
JAZZU arrived on stage at 8.15pm and played for 1 hour 45 mins.
Nine musicians on stage , including four backing vocals ...2m/2f.
All are dressed in cool all black attire.
The songs are pretty much dreamy electro pop , although it did get livelier in the second half.
Lyrics were all in English , apart from a couple of tracks in English, and a couple of snippets from hit covers.
Hints of Goldfrapp in some of the tracks played, and it was a good show.