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Wednesday 20 December 2023.
Wednesday 20 December 2023....I went to two events tonight....
6.15pm to 8.30pm.
Guess Who's Sleighing It For Christmas - private view -
Flannels, 161- 167 Oxford Street ,London W1.
Ground floor level is a nice clothing store , and below they hold digital art exhibitions every two or three months.
Similar to what you see at Outernet , up the road.
Maybe 150 guests here and a lot of folks that I know.
A DJ is playing tracks in the background.
Complimentary prosecco , spirits, wines and beers for guests so I had a few JD n cokes.
8.40pm to 11pm.
Work Christmas Party at Montagu Pyke , Charing Cross Road London WC2.
This huge and always busy Wetherspoon's pub used to be The Marquee Club when it moved from Wardour Street.
Around 15 of us here with complementary drinks , different pizza slices and chicken bits.
Tuesday 19 December 2023.
A nice pair of funk rock bands arrive back in London.
We are spoilt in London , as some bands play two or three or more London shows on their tour.
See my review from their great 04 Dec 2023 Forum show.
This is the last night on their ' Thicker Than Blood' world tour.
Reminder ...this is a great pairing of classic rock bands...
SCORPIONS + EXTREME play Wembley Arena on 08 June 2024.
The venue is totally rammed again , like last time.
The first show , i was rear stalls standing , but tonight is 3rd row
from the front of the balcony centre.
Legendary live music booking agent ROD MacSWEEN is here.
Legendary rock photographer ROSS HALFIN is here.
LIVING COLOUR arrived on stage at 7.50pm for their 40 mins.
Living COLOUR arrive on stage , as if they are the headliners.
Pretty much the same setlist as last time.
They played a great funk rock set, that was loud , funky , heavy and featured amazing guitar playing from Vernon Reid.
EXTREME arrived on stage at 9.05pm and played for two hours.
It is pretty much the same set as a fortnight ago.
Super slim singer Gary Cherone is a non-stop bundle of energy , and Nuno Bettencourt is stunning on his various guitars.
The overall sound is excellent , and they had loads of lights.
'Get The Funk Out' is a highlight for me...see my Facebook page for the video i took tonight.
At the end of the show all the band go in the pit to shake hands with fans, and give out dozens of guitar plectrums.
Not many bands are as good as they were in their heyday , but Extreme have managed it....a fantastic show.
11.30pm to 12.15am.
A fair amount of folks on the guest list , but not many have after-show passes, that's because it was held backstage ,rather than the usual balcony bar.
We wait a bit for the tour manager to say it is ok to go into one of the bands dressing rooms.Maybe 20 or 25 folks here max,
including all the band members and a couple of young kids.
Had a chat with three of the band , who offered me wine and beers from the fridge, but I had a full drink anyway.
I got a photo with Nuno which is up on my Facebook page.,
and he gave me a couple of guitar plectrums.
My parting words were " see you back at Hammersmith one day".